华盛顿大学化学系—2020年应用化学科技硕士招生发表时间:2019-10-13 21:56 The University of Washington has announced a new graduate degree program, the Master of Science in Applied Chemical Science & Technology. The program opens for applications on Oct. 15 and classes begin in fall 2020. 华盛顿大学化学系近期发布招收2020年应用化学科技硕士。2019年10月15日开始接受申请,2020年秋季开学。 华盛顿大学在线申请:www.appliedchem.uw.edu The new chemistry master’s meets the demand for students who want advanced training in chemistry without committing to a five-to-seven-year Ph.D. program, according to Xiaosong Li, a UW professor of chemistry and the program director for the master’s. 华盛顿大学化学系教授、硕士招生项目主任李晓松教授表示,应用化学科技硕士将满足那些希望在化学方面接受高等教育,但又不打算攻读5至7年博士学位的学生需求。
“I think a lot of students are interested in pursuing an advanced degree without the hassle of being in a Ph.D. program,” Li said. “We launched the program to fill the gap between an undergraduate degree and a Ph.D.” 李教授说:“很多学生对攻读高等学位感兴趣,但又因为攻读博士学位难度而徘徊。我们开办这个学位是为了填补本科和博士之间的空白”。 Students who pursue the master’s can expect rigorous, cutting-edge research in experimental tools like instrument analysis and data science that are not covered in an undergraduate curriculum, Li said. The Master of Science in Applied Chemical Science & Technology is offered in either a one- or two-year format. 申请攻读该硕士学位的学生可以在本科课程中没有涉及的仪器分析和数据科学等方面进行严谨、前沿的研究。应用化学科技硕士有一年制或两年制两种。
The one-year program “includes coursework and research components, and it helps students understand advanced research in chemical science and technology,” Li said. 一年制课程:包括基础课程和科研两部分,帮助学生了解化学科学和前沿研究内容。 The optional second year provides students a chance to complete a thesis and conduct more in-depth research. Students join a research team and carry out a research project under the supervision of a mentor, which serves as a valuable springboard for students looking to continue their studies at the doctoral level. 二年制课程:为学生提供完成论文和更深入研究的机会。学生们将加入一个科研小组,在导师指导下完成一个研究项目。这是学生继续攻读博士学位的良好契机。 “The second year is a great opportunity to build a strong portfolio in research,” Li said, “and helps students reposition themselves toward a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, biology or medicine — whatever they’re interested in. Whatever it is, they’ll have a better idea of what they want to pursue.” 李教授说:第二年是一个很好的机会进行多方面研究,帮助学生重新定位自己,是否继续攻读化学、生物或医学博士学位——无论他们感兴趣的是什么。这样他们会更清楚自己想要追求的什么。
Whether chemistry students opt for the one- or two-year option, they can expect a robust job market to greet them after graduation, Li said. 无论化学系学生选择一年制还是两年制硕士,他们毕业后会在就业市场中有很强的竞争力。 “I think this program will really connect the classroom education with the demand in the job market,” he said, noting that in the past two years there were 12,000 job postings associated with the skills students will gain from the program. “There’s a strong demand in various industries — pharmaceuticals, materials, analytical chemistry, chromatography — and the market’s been trending up.” 应用化学科技硕士将真正把课堂教育与就业市场需求联系起来。并指出在过去两年中,制药、材料、分析化学、色谱等各行业需求旺盛,市场呈上升趋势。有12000个职位与此相关,学生将从该项目中获益。
Market demand will also inform the curriculum, which will help Li and his colleagues tailor the degree to emerging industry trends — and keep the master’s graduates in demand. 市场需求也将影响课程设置,这将有助于李教授和他的同事根据新兴行业的趋势调整学位,并保持硕士毕业生的竞争力。 “That part really excites me: to refine and update our curriculum to meet the need of the industry and cutting-edge research,” Li said. “完善和更新我们的课程,以满足行业和前沿研究的需要。这部分计划真的让我非常期待”李教授说。 有关申请应用化学科技硕士的更多信息,请访问其网站www.appliedchem.uw.edu了解。 |